Live Light & Shine Bright


✨ Book a Free Live Lighter Session ✨

Feel lighter. Shine brighter.

Learn How

Are you worn out because...

the people and circumstances in your life make it hard to feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled?

Learn the secret to releasing life’s burdens so you can:

  • Confidently create a faithful life
  • Authentically build your relationships
  • Sustainably find fulfillment in your everyday life

Together, we will discover the power of self-awareness, unlock the courage to change, and grow the faith to release life’s burdens that are beyond your control.

Our programs will leave you with transformational self-confidence, expansive self-awareness, and tangible self-love.

Learn More

It's time to faithfully create your life with confidence.

Think Light

Shed light on thoughts and belief that are keeping you stuck through expansive self-awareness.

Feel Light

Stop fearing your feelings and start using them as your super power to channel transformational self-confidence.

Live Light

Tap into your God-given divinity to create fulfilling patterns in your life and build tangible self-love.

Living a faithful life can leave you feeling like you're not doing enough...


You do your best to follow God's will one faithful step at a time.

And yet, you still lay down at night and wonder if you've done enough. 

There's a simple and powerful shift that will help know you're on the right path and find fulfillment in your everyday life. I've spent years helping Christian women like you make this shift to feel lighter and shine brighter. 

It's time to confidently shine your divine light. 

Let's explore together. 

Start Today