109: The River of Well-Being

Navigating life's emotional currents can feel daunting. From the unexpected rapids to the tricky undercurrents, we all face moments that test our resilience. Inspired by the timeless wisdom of a song that once guided me through my own turbulent waters, today's episode invites you to explore the river of well-being with me. Join as we uncover how to glide through life's challenges with grace and strength.


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What You'll Discover on This Episode:

  • The influence of music and lyrics in shaping your resilience, featuring insights from the song "The River" by Garth Brooks.
  • Practical insights from "The Whole Brain Child" about understanding the different aspects of your brain and how they contribute to your mental and emotional health.
  • How to recognize and balance the chaos and rigidity in your life to maintain a steady course in the metaphorical river of well-being.
  • Techniques for integrating your emotional and logical brain functions to enhance self-awareness and achieve a state of inner peace.


Reflect on your current emotional state: Are you cruising smoothly, or does it feel like you're constantly paddling against the current? This episode offers tools to help you recalibrate and rediscover your balance, ensuring that you can navigate even the choppiest waters with confidence.


Mentioned on the Show: